Adapting to New Realities: Rebuilding for Social Change
Our annual conference is virtual this October!
Join us for an online version of our annual conference, Adapting to New Realities: Rebuilding for Social Change, a 3-day online event designed to help capacity builders from across the U.S. hone their skills and expand their abilities during crisis.
As our country continues to grapple with the impacts of the pandemic and racial injustice, the nonprofits and communities we work with seek new and innovative ways to respond to these challenges. Now more than ever we as capacity builders must learn to do more to help them. To organize better. And to partner to create real change.
Join us at Adapting to New Realities: Rebuilding for Social Change to collectively design how we can work together to not only help our communities and nonprofits recover, but re-imagine a society where every one of them can thrive.
An array of informative, high-impact online sessions are being planned, and will be shared here soon. We will also be posting fellowship and scholarship information soon here.
Member rates are $175 for the full conference, $235 for non-members. If you want a 1-day pass, it’ll run you $75 for members and $95 for non-members. After September 16, $100 will be added to these prices.
If you’re an Alliance member registering three or more people, email [email protected] for discount pricing.
See you at #ANM2020online in October!
Registration fee: Member: $175; Non-member: $235