The BE SAFE 101 module is an introductory/foundational training over 2 sessions (February 6th and 13th). It provides an opportunity for staff, volunteers and interns to engage in a shared experience designed to create an understanding of how our individual attitudes and beliefs affect our work with youth.
The sessions are experiential and interactive using group role plays and forced choice exercises drawn from the realities of the programs. Practice will be aimed at assisting participants in “how to have the difficult conversations”. We will address the issues of risk and resiliency and how to be a “resiliency mentor” in our work with youth.
Training Goal:
Participants will begin to gain an understanding of the connections between who they are as a person, their role as a youth worker and a staff member within a youth program, and their programs policies and procedures shape their relationships and interactions with youth—all in the context of the interconnecting issues of sexual health, interpersonal violence and substance abuse.
Audience: staff, volunteers, interns and others