Presented by the Mel King Institute:
Board Development Series: September-December 2015
Did you know that the success of any organization hinges on the efficacy of its board?
In this eight session series, board members will be trained to become more effective volunteer leaders for their organizations. The series will cover important topics including board legal responsibilities as well as best practices in governance, partnership with the CEO, diversity, youth participation, resident leadership, fundraising and executive transitions. Experienced guests from a variety of non-profits will kick off each session, to be followed by discussion, questions, and sharing of relevant resources.
This training series is open and relevant to members of CDC boards as well as other community development and neighborhood organizations.
Facilitator: Hilary Marcus, Organizational Development Consultant
Biweekly Fridays. 9:30AM-11:00 AM. 9:00 AM Refreshments
Registration Deadline: July 31st