Topics: Strategies for engaging aging adults and young people in coalition and community work.
Description: In our work, we believe in the voice and power of young people, who are often overlooked or excluded simply because they are young. On the other end of the spectrum, aging adults face similar biases and deal with ageism and the perceived notion that just because they are old, they won’t understand or want to be involved in larger movements. In this conversation, we’ll turn to guest speakers who work with these populations to unpack the false notion that young people and aging adults are not important voices to have at the table. We will also ask our guests to talk more specifically about how they engage young people and aging adults, tying it together to explore the power of a movement that is supported and maintained by people of all ages. This will be an informal and lightly moderated coffee chat, with time at the end for Q&A.
Audience: Coalition members and leaders, public health professionals that are new to the field.
Moderators: Lisa Aslan and Kelly Danckert, Health Resources in Action
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
1. Explore best practices for building intergenerational movements
2. Discuss engagement strategies for different populations
3. Identify one tangible takeaway they can take back to their work
MADPH Coalition Criteria Addressed:
1. Membership that is reflective of the community.
2. Defined structure for strategic planning and decision-making.
3. Consistency with MDPH’s goals and priorities.