Topics: Panel discussion and reflection on the impacts of COVID-19 in different public health spaces, one year later
Description: A panel of public health professionals will reflect on the impacts of COVID-19 in their work one year later, sharing stories of their struggles and fortitude in the wake of this pandemic. How can we examine the range of responses we’ve seen across the field and better equip our communities for moving forward? What are some lessons we’ve learned about shifting our work? How has the pandemic created both burdens and opportunities? We’ll explore these and more questions in a moderated discussion.
Audience: Coalition leaders and members, community advocates, and public health professionals
Moderator: Daisy Ortega, Health Resources in Action
Panelists: To be announced!
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn about best practices from the state for adjusting to COVID-19.
2. Share challenges and opportunities communities faced during COVID-19.
3. Network with community leaders across the state.