Look up in any direction around Boston these days and you’ll see a skyline dotted with cranes. The City‚Äôs development boom has raised rents and the cost of home ownership, leading to an affordable housing crisis. How can we as professionals, advocates, and community-minded citizens work to develop housing and economic opportunities for everyone? Is there a way to develop without displacing people from their communities?
To tackle these questions, the BSA’s next Designing Boston will consider everything from varying definitions of gentrification to the YIMBY movement (yes in my back yard) to the City of Boston’s efforts to address community concerns in areas experiencing increased development. From new building methods to alternative financing models, we’ll hear from field experts about what is working, what isn’t, and how we can all be a part of solving this challenge.
Moderator: Diane Georgopulos FAIA Emeritus
Courtney D. Sharpe, Director of Cultural Planning, City of Boston
Rachel Drew, Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Community Partners
Jesse Kanson-Benanav, Founder, A Better Cambridge and Senior Project Manager, B’nai B’rith Housing
Registration fee: Free