An event every week that begins at 9:30 am on Thursday, repeating until January 27, 2022
Description: The 2020 pandemic and the racial justice uprisings have pushed issues of racial and economic equity to the forefront in many communities, as well as in Community Development Corporations in MA. Worker-owned cooperatives provide a business model that can help BIPOC and underserved communities to build businesses and wealth by leveraging their collective social and economic assets. This workshop will introduce the co-op model, its strengths and challenges, and explore the role that CDCs in this state could play in strengthening worker ownership and economic democracy.
Emily Kawano is a founder and co-director of Wellspring Cooperative, a CDC which is developing a network of worker-owned businesses in under-served communities in Springfield, MA. She is a founder and Board member of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network and served on the Board of RIPESS (International Solidarity Economy Network) for almost a decade. She earned a Ph.D in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst where she joined the Center for Popular Economics and served as director for nine years. She also taught economics at Smith College and was the National Economic Justice Representative for the American Friends Service Committee.
Registration deadline: January 19, 2022
Registration fee: $50 Regular, $25 Student/AmeriCorps/Intern