9:00am registration.
Presented by the Mel King Institute.
With the recent surge in demand for housing in the Greater Boston area, gentrification and displacement are growing concerns among low and moderate communities. To better understand gentrification in the region and define strategies to address it, LISC and the Mel King Institute convened the Gentrification Learning Community (GLC), a collective of community advocates, academics and public leaders came together over the course of a year to better understand the issues of gentrification and identify possible strategies to address it. As a result of this effort, the group put together a report outlining five prioritized strategies to mitigate gentrification and displacement, preserve the cultural and historic character of neighborhoods and maintain or increase racial and economic diversity in neighborhoods. The forum will share insights from the group’s work, highlight the key findings in the report and facilitate an interactive dialogue among attendees on how we can collectively ensure Greater Boston is a place where people of all means can live and thrive. 
Sponsored by the Barr Foundation and NeighborWorks America