TSNE MissionWorks invites you to an evening with millennials of color in nonprofit leadership who will speak to their trials and triumphs of rising to the top.
As millennials of color begin to take the helm of nonprofit leadership, many are discovering that they are inheriting difficult jobs at unprepared and under-resourced organizations. In this panel, millennial nonprofit executives of color will discuss their experiences as leaders. There will be a moderator-led discussion for panelists to share lessons learned for those on similar journeys and for questions from the audience.
Join us for networking opportunities before and after the event. Free food and drinks are provided.
The event is wheelchair accessible, and real-time captioning will be available.
What is the Fierce Urgency of Now Festival?
This event is part of City Awake’s Fierce Urgency of Now Festival (FUN). FUN is a five-day series of events hosted by local businesses and organizations geared at highlighting the experiences, challenges, and opportunities for young professionals of color in our city with the ultimate goal of creating community.
With more than 30 events scheduled, you can plan to learn, connect, and have fun all week long, while also lending your voice to change. Join us September 4-8 to help make Boston more inclusive for all.