Dates: October 13, 2020 to October 23, 2020
Strengthening Resilient Communities – Oct. 13-23; NACEDA Summit – Oct. 21-23
Networks Advancing An Equitable Recovery
The NACEDA Summit and eight statewide housing and community development conferences are joining forces to present an online event: Strengthening Resilient Communities | The National Forum. In addition to NACEDA Summit programming for community development association professionals, participate in plenary sessions with top national speakers and community development leaders. Registration will open later this summer. NACEDA Summit days are October 21-23. The full forum is October 13-23.
All Access Pass
For a modest additional fee, you will be able to purchase an All Access Pass. It allows you to participate in sessions presented by community development associations in Oregon, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Hear how community developers from state to state are recovering, advocating for their communities, and planning big for the future.
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