Jim Grace, Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston/Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts; Josh Sattely, TSNE MissionWorks.
Payment: $25 per person. Payment takes the form of a donation on Network for Good. Please select “Nonprofit Seminar Payment” under the “Apply My Donation To” dropdown menu.
Are you a leader of an existing nonprofit organization or have an interest in creating a new one? Do you have questions and concerns about incorporating and/or filing for tax-exempt status? All nonprofit start-ups are invited to attend this legal seminar for nonprofits, led by experienced nonprofit attorneys. At this group session, we will assist your organization in understanding the complicated processes of formalizing a nonprofit in Massachusetts by addressing questions regarding:
For-Profit or Not-for-Profit?
What is a Not-for-Profit?
Incorporating & Structuring the Not-for-Profit
Option of Fiscal Sponsorship
State Reporting & Regulation
Federal Tax Exemption
Ongoing IRS Reporting & Regulation