Day 1- Positive Youth Development: Morning session will focus on the research and theory behind positive youth development and provide examples of models that have been used to implement this this approach, including but not limited to the 40 Developmental Assets. Theory of levels of youth engagement will also be covered. The afternoon session will cover strategies and best practices for engaging all community sectors in youth development. We will review the intersection of the Youth Assets Model with the Strategic Prevention Framework and will hear from our local partners about experiences they have had utilizing this approach and have time for discussion, collaboration and brainstorming.
AM- Positive Youth Development 101
PM- Engaging Community, Implementing a PYD approach
Day 2- Developmental Relationships: will feature SEARCH Institute Trainer Kelly Felton presenting on the Developmental Relationships framework
Young people are more likely to grow up successfully when they experience developmental relationships with important people in their lives. Developmental relationships are close connections through which young people discover who they are, cultivate abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. Search Institute has identified five elements—expressed in 20 specific actions—that make relationships powerful in young people’s lives.