Topics: How power dynamics influence relationships in public health work, building and leveraging power in communities to advance health equity, and centering lived experience in the process.
Online (3 hours)
Description: Confronting the impact of power and privilege in public health requires an honest look at who benefits from the status quo, and whose voice continually goes unheard. By exploring how the usual power dynamics play out in our work, we will be able to create strategies to bring invisible power to the surface and make hidden power visible. Who better to decide on policies and practices than those who are most affected by them? How do we raise the collective voices of those on the frontlines to impact the decisions that affect us all? Centering folks with lived experience can drive policy changes that further equity. In this training, participants will learn strategies to self-advocate effectively, build and leverage power within your organization or coalition, and create space to uplift those with lived experiences navigating systems of oppression in the community to bring about changes that improve health for everyone.
Audience: Coalition members, community members, public health professionals, non-profit organization workers, community groups
Trainers: Lisa Aslan and Winston Daley, Health Resources in Action
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
MA DPH Coalition Criteria Addressed: