Please join REFA for a special program featuring Laura Liswood, Author, The Loudest Duck: Moving Beyond Diversity.
The Loudest Duck focuses on why organizations need to move “beyond diversity and beyond unconscious bias”. The session will cover: why we aspire to diversity; what are the myriad of deep diversities found in the workplace; where we get our unconscious beliefs/biases about others; and how operating unconsciously in a diverse workforce creates an uneven playing field.
An author and speaker, Liswood has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, BBC, International Herald Tribune, and Newsweek and has provided leadership presentations for corporations and over thousands of senior executives, leaders in the U.S. government, and cabinet level presidential appointees. Liswood is also the Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders located in Washington D.C.
REFA Members and Non-Members $85
**Attendees will receive an autographed copy of The Loudest Duck
Members register online. Non-Members, please fill out this form.
72 Hours Cancellation Policy.
For Questions or to Register: Please contact Alex Levine at [email protected].
Registration fee: REFA Members and Non-Members $85