Presented by the Mel King Insitutute for Community Building
For communities which have adopted the Community Preservation Act, CPA funds can be a good resource for sponsors of affordable housing projects or programs. “Community housing” is one of four eligible activities under CPA (the others being open space preservation, historic preservation, and outdoor recreation). However, many communities prioritize uses other than community housing for CPA funds. This workshop will engage practitioners to present and discuss strategies for successfully applying for CPA funds for community housing.
Workshop Goals:
- Identify the opportunities for using CPA funds to support community housing projects or programs.
- Identify the challenges in obtaining CPA funds for this purpose.
- Discuss strategies for successfully building local support for funding.
Workshop Presenters:
- Shelly Goehring- Program Manager at Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance (MAHA) and Steering Committee Member of Massachusetts Community Preservation Coalition
- Toby Kramer- Director of Real Estate Development at Neighborhood Of Affordable Housing (NOAH) and former Member of Community Preservation Committee in Concord
- Gene Clerkin- Commercial Lender at Citizens Bank, Member of Community Preservation Committee in Bedford, and Elected Public Housing Authority Commissioner in Bedford
Information and Registration