Register today for this free webinar!
Presented by the Community Health Training Institute
Topics: Core Public Health Frameworks, Health Impact Pyramid, Social Determinants of Health, Healthy Communities, Health Equity
Audience: New collaborators and coalition members from sectors including planning, housing, transportation, healthcare, business, public health, and others are encouraged to attend.
Lead Trainer: Maddie Ribble (left), Director of Public Policy and Campaign Strategy, MA Public Health Association (MPHA)
Guest: Barry Keppard, Manager, Public Health Division, Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Guest: Kathy Wicks, Community Healthy Program Manager, Partners for a Healthier Community/ LiveWell Springfield Coalition
Description: How is public health different from healthcare? Why does healthy communities work center around cross-sector coalitions? Why does equity play a vital role in health? Learn the foundation of the public health theory and practice that shapes effective community health.
Webinar provides framework and shared language for collaborators and coalition members from sectors that may be new to working with public health partners (e.g., planning, housing, transportation, healthcare, business, and more). The core concepts introduced in the webinar will provide context for coalition work and more in-depth training from the Training Institute.
Learning Objectives: Participants completing the webinar will be able to