South Coast LGBTQ Network

Coalition Focus

Areas Served

New Bedford

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Contact Us

Rebecca McCullough
[email protected]

Additional Information

The South Coast LGBTQ Network is a coalition of 12 LGBTQ groups and allied organizations, established in May 2014. Member organizations include: Bristol Community College Bristol County District Attorney’s Office Coastline Elderly Services Fairhaven Council on Aging Comcast LGBT YES! (Youth, Education &,Schools) NB-AGLY/A Perfect Place SouthCoast Equality SouthCoast Fair Housing, Inc. The Women’s Center UMass Dartmouth Center for Women, Gender &,Sexuality YWCA of Southeastern Massachusetts The Steering Committee meets monthly and is chaired by Rebecca McCullough, and the organization employs a part time Network Coordinator and a part time Community Outreach/Research Assistant. Last month it opened its first office, renting space from The Women’s Center, 405 County St., New Bedford, MA. We are a project and fund of the Community Foundation of Southeastern MA. The committee makeup is culturally diverse and includes gay, lesbian and transgender members as well as allies from throughout the South Coast area. We have elected officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and meet monthly in New Bedford. Our mission is to create and maintain a central organizational hub for LGBTQ individuals and families across the age spectrum. We support four LGBTQ programs: NB-AGLY/A Perfect Place community center for LGBTQ youth ages 13-24,South Coast LGBT Supper Club at the Fairhaven Council on Aging,Pride Cafe, a non-alcoholic social gathering for LGBTQ individuals of all ages,and help do community outreach for Bristol County Elders LGBT Lunch Club in Fall River. Our priority project this year is to create an online LGBTQ Resource Guide with assistance from a grant and in kind administrative services from Southcoast Health. This region has very few LGBTQ specific services in health and mental health, and our goal is to bring enhanced services to the area. Many of our most vulnerable LGBTQ population – seniors and homeless or at risk youth – do not have access to transportation to access services in Providence, RI or Boston, MA so they remain severely under served. Out mission to build and maintain a comprehensive support network for LGBTQ individuals and families across the age spectrum includes: Working with governmental, community-based organizations, and private entities to eliminate homophobia in our communities through education, advocacy, and outreach. Creating inter-generational opportunities for LGBTQ individuals to learn from one another through social, educational and community project interaction. Assessing, advocating, and supporting programming needs to ensure the safety and wellbeing of LGBTQ individuals in our community, such as housing, education, employment, and mental and physical health. Ensuring that LGBTQ individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Our tag line: Enriching the lives of LGBTQ individuals and families across the age spectrum.