2 hours
Health Resources in Action
2 Boylston St,
Chinatown Trade Center
Boston, MA 02116
This 2-hour training, the third in a series, will offer core supervision principles to managers and supervisors, tools for managing conflict, and communication skills. The training will support supervisors and managers of all levels to supervise across difference. We will lead with an exploration of supervising across race, but other differences such as ability, age, class, education may be explored as well. Participants will explore their own aspects of identity, how it relates to power and privilege, and will apply these insights to supervision tools like active listening, power-sharing and decision making. Case studies and challenges will be used to explore differences in the workplace, helping participants to explore their identities, power, and common challenges faced in supervising across difference.
Participants will be able to:
Registration Fee:
Regular: $100; MACDC Member: $75; Student/Americorps/Intern: $25