Instructors: Mohamad Chakaki, Hauwa Abubakar, Kapi’olani A. Laronal
Join us for a dialogue on the journey of bringing your whole self to work. What does it look like to “show up” unapologetically as yourself in the workplace? What must you juggle, release, or create to feel a deep sense of belonging? When might you choose not to belong? Following a dynamic dialogue among the speakers, questions will be posed to attendees, for an interactive, expanded reflection. Featuring Mohamad Chakaki, Senior Fellow at Center for Whole Communities, with special guests Hauwa Abubakar, Senior Capacity Building Coordinator, Office of the NYC Mayor and Kapi’olani A. Laronal, Coach & Consultant. The session will be moderated by INP Faculty Director, Aviva Luz Argote.
Session Goals/Take-aways for participants:
Registration fee: Free