Topics: Building tools to be allies/accomplices to historically marginalized communities, examining unconscious biases and building a foundation of intersectionality.
Description: In this online training, we will explore what it means to act in solidarity with people with historically marginalized identities. This training will discuss multiple identities, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+ folks, and members of the disabled community, among others. The trainers will build from a foundation of intersectionality: none of these identities exist on their own, and they all interact in unique and beautiful ways. The trainers will spend time walking participants through the assumptions or unconscious biases they might be bringing into personal and professional spaces. Participants will learn some frameworks and tools to help them figure out when and where to use their voices to fight for justice. The trainers will offer their insights on how to support our fellow humans with historically marginalized identities, even if we do not share those identities. This training will use a mix of small and large group discussion, hands-on activities, and deep self-reflection. Come prepared to dig into heart work and have your assumptions challenged.
Trainers: Jasper Lee and Gracie Rolfe, Health Resources in Action
Audience: Coalition leaders and members, community members, public health professionals
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
1. Learn tools to examine their unconscious biases or assumptions regarding people with historically marginalized identities, and how to address those assumptions moving forward.
2. Understand how to advocate for people with historically marginalized identities without speaking for them.
3. Delve into heart-space work to become better allies/accomplices to the communities they are working with.
MA DPH Coalition Criteria Addressed:
1. Shared vision including a focus on reducing health disparities and promoting health equity.
2. Participation from key stakeholders (individuals and organizations that have a vested stake or interest in a program or policy initiative, e.g., it will impact them directly).
3. Membership that is reflective of the community.
4. Consistency with MDPH’s goals and priorities.