Topics: Health and racial equity, built environment
Description: How our communities were planned and built years ago continues to shape the health of residents today. This training will allow participants to dig deeper into the history of racist housing policies, emphasizing the intentional disenfranchisement of Black and Brown communities and the implications for our health and racial equity work. In this training, participants will explore the local history of structural racism in Boston and learn how the built environment has a profound impact on how communities can prepare for and respond to emergencies. Using case studies on a range of topics (e.g. climate change and COVID-19), the trainers will explore how the history of red lining and segregation in Boston continues to impact the health of Black and Brown communities today. This training will support coalitions to help build community resiliency, and to engage the communities most impacted by structural racism to lead the conversation around these issues.
Audience: Coalition leaders and partners, community groups, individuals working towards community health.
Trainers: Mo Barbosa, Health Resources in Action, in partnership with the MA Department of Public Health
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
1. Identify how the built environment impacts heath and racial equity
2. Name ways to use the built environment for emergency preparedness
3. Name strategies to create access and amplify community voice in built environment and health equity efforts
MA DPH Coalition Criteria Addressed:
1. Shared vision including a focus on reducing health disparities and promoting health equity
2. Consistency with MA DPH’s goals and priorities
3. Membership that is reflective of the community