Note: We will be offering a networking brown-bag lunch before our afternoon session, “Coalition Sustainability and Resource Planning.”
Topics: Organizational structure/governance; roles/responsibilities; decision-making structures; membership recruitment and retention; life cycles of coalitions.
Audience: Coalition leaders and members, teams, and partners working towards community health.
Lead Trainer: Andrea Freeman, Field Director, Massachusetts Public Health Association
Description: This half-day training will cover the fundamentals for launching and managing an effective coalition. [Note: For the purposes of this workshop, a coalition is an intentional (usually temporary) alliance of organizations and/or individuals who agree to coordinate efforts to accomplish a shared goal.] We will examine foundational documents, organizational structures, and communication techniques that help create a culture of trust, transparency, and inclusion. We will also review and discuss the Coalition Engagement Principles & Guidelines from MDPH.
Learning Objectives: Participants completing the training will be able to:
This webinar addresses the following MA DPH Coalition Criteria: