Download Coalition Engagement Principles Document
The MA Department of Public Health (DPH) wants to hear your thoughts about community engagement efforts and how DPH can support community coalitions.
Approximately one year ago, DPH began a process of redefining its community engagement efforts. Surveys and listening sessions were conducted with DPH partners, vendors, and staff to gather ideas and perspectives across the Commonwealth.
DPH has now developed draft principles of community engagement to guide how it defines coalitions, what minimum expectations DPH will have of coalitions, and how DPH can support community coalitions. The guidelines will be applied to a number of DPH functions including RFR collaboration and the DON Factor 9 process.
The next step is to conduct two Community Listening Sessions to vet these draft principles with vendors and partners.
In an effort to make these listening sessions as accessible as possible, DPH is offering two in-person sessions as well as virtual participation options.