Chase has partnered with Diversified Resource Network formerly known to you as The Counselors Corner to bring this very important and timely training; Student Loan Counseling.
Student loan debt is higher now than ever in U.S. History. Prospective students and college graduates need the skills and knowledge necessary to select the right loan product. This 4-part series is designed to answer your questions. Seating is limited, so register today!
June 7, 2019 – Session #1 – Know Before You Owe
For many families, the high cost of higher education is a daunting proposition. Know Before You Owe, provides an overview of the student loan landscape, funding options and simple tips on how to prepare for this process. This case study driven webinar moves the learner through application to the qualification process.
June 14, 2019 – Session #2 – Understanding Federal & Private Student Loans
Different types of federal and private student loans offer different costs and benefits. Students and parents can minimize expenses by understanding basic loan facts. This webinar will explore each loan type, underwriting requirements and nuances of each product.
June 21, 2019 – Session #3 – Student Loan Repayment Options
Lenders offer a variety of plans for repaying a student loan — some are quite flexible. The plans available depends on the type of loan one has. In this webinar, we‚Äôll introduce new tools that will assist you in identifying which option best fits the borrower’s financial situation.
June 24, 2019 – Session #4 – Preparing for Homeownership
Having student loan debt does not mean the end to Homeownership Dreams! Building strategies around lowering student loan payments, pay off other debt and bring all delinquent accounts current, can help first-time buyers achieve their dream. This webinar will explore strategies that will help consumers prepare for homeownership while maintaining student loan debt.
Registration fee: Free