Judy Freiwirth
No More Boring Board Meetings!
How to Design Engaging and Inclusive Board Meetings No One Wants to Miss!
Do your board meetings primarily serve as a forum for information exchange? Does your board struggle with board attendance issues? Do you find it a challenge to design board meetings so they are meaningful and keep the board focused on strategic-level discussions and decisions? Join us for a “how-to” webinar which will help you design board meetings which will help engage your full board in strategic discussions and decisions that matter to your mission. Learn about new tools and resources which can help your board transform your board meetings. This webinar is specifically focused for board chairs, executive directors, and other board members who are engaged in designing board meetings; board members and their Executive Directors are encouraged to attend the webinar together.
This webinar is being offered in conjunction with the October 9th webinar: Change and Boards. If you are registering for both webinars, there is a discounted rate of $35 each ($70 total)- You must register at the above link and the October 9th link.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Registration fee: $50