More and more companies and individuals are transitioning to use Google’s G Suite software. But the transition doesn’t always come with adequate training. Tech Foundry can help.
The use of Google products is new and growing. Be on the cutting edge of employers and employees who know how to maximize G Suite in their workplaces. Our program trains you to successfully work with G Suite software. Among the skills taught will include:
1. Effective Use of Google Calendar
2. Google Mail
3. Google Drive
4. The basics of Google Docs
5. Conversion to and from Google Docs to other formats
6. Advanced document creation
7. Collaboration through Google Docs
8. Chat
The cost per student is $300. Employers with fewer than 100 employees are eligible for a 50% tuition reimbursement from Commonwealth Corporation.
To qualify for the 50% tuition reimbursement you will need to register through the workforce training program at this link by the deadline of Friday, August 17th. To complete the Commonwealth Corporation portion of this application you will need the course #1117047.
*Tech Foundry is a Massachusetts Eligible Training Partner. Tech Foundry will work with qualifying, small Massachusetts employers (fewer than 100 employees) to apply for Commonwealth Corporation Workforce Training Funds, and receive a 50% tuition reimbursement. Space is limited so apply now! The deadline to apply for tuition reimbursement for this class is Friday, August 24th.