Would you like to make a difference in your community? Would you like to improve the health of our children? Want to know how to motivate elected officials to pass policies to increase access to healthy food and physical activity, decrease tobacco use, and prevent chronic diseases?
The Massachusetts YMCA’s along with their partners are sponsoring a series of community trainings designed for…YOU! Join with other community organizations and concerned citizens to learn how to become an advocate for healthy eating and active living policies.
Who should attend: Anyone with an interest in improving health in their community. No experience necessary!
Why: The power of grassroots advocacy can literally be the pressure point to motivate a state or local decision-maker to pass public policy. When real people who live, work, and vote in their district speak up, lawmakers and other key decision-makers pay attention!
What participants will gain: Training attendees will gain an understanding of policy advocacy, including how to communicate with decision-makers, how to work in partnership with others who care about similar public health issues, and how your voice can make a difference in improving the health of your family and neighbors.
When: There will be a series of 6 trainings held across the Commonwealth, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
RSVP: Trainings are free of charge but registration is required. Click here to register to attend.
The Massachusetts YMCA’s are partnering with the Massachusetts Chronic Disease Partnership to offer these trainings free to all attendees.