Audience: State-wide CHNA and Hospital Community Benefits Committee members and staff 
Over the past two years, representatives of Community Health Network Areas (CHNAs) across the Commonwealth have gathered once a year to share ideas and common concerns with one another.
In recognition that both the overall mission and often the membership of CHNAs and Hospital Community Benefits Committees frequently overlap, CHNAs are opening their next meeting to members of Hospital Community Benefits Committees across the Commonwealth in order to enlarge our dialogue.
At the gathering, Hospital Community Benefits members and Community Health Network Area members will discuss common agendas.
The program will include a Panel Discussion with:
Massachusetts Public Health Association will lead a discussion on advocacy, methods and opportunities.
This is a free event, and all members of hospital community benefits committees and staff as well as any member or staff of CHNAs across the Commonwealth are invited to attend.
You must register by email to attend.
Please reserve a space at this important event no later than Wednesday, October 29 by emailing David Weed at [email protected]