Topics: An analysis of power in relationships and communities and how to leverage that power to benefit groups and advance health equity.
Description: Confronting the impact of power and privilege in public health requires an honest look at who benefits from the status quo, and whose voice continually goes unheard. By exploring how the usual power dynamics play out in our coalition work, we will be able to create strategies to bring invisible power to the surface and make hidden power visible. For effective coalition work, all members should be able to define issues, create strategies, make decisions and implement solutions. However, different levels of expertise, staffing, and funding could be a source of tension and impact who drives the agenda. Learn strategies to self-advocate effectively, leverage power in numbers, and create space to build the potential of community.
Audience: Coalition leaders and partners, community groups, individuals working towards community health.
Trainers: Lauren Bard and Winston Daley, Health Resources in Action
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
MADPH Coalition Criteria Addressed:
1. Membership that is reflective of the community.
2. Consistency with MA DPH’s goals and priorities.
3. Participation from key stakeholders (individuals and organizations that have a vested stake or interest in a program or policy initiative, e.g., it will impact them directly).
Training Fee: Free!