Jack Geary
Nuts and Bolts of Asset Management is a LISC class, also used extensively by NeighborWorks America and the Consortium for Housing and Asset Management (CHAM). The class is an interactive and highly participatory hands-on workshop designed for practitioners and board members with a wide range of professional experience. The curriculum was developed by LISC and is used as the introductory required class for the Certified Housing Asset Manager (CHAM) Certification. The session includes an overview of key property asset management concepts and theories and a review of the responsibilities of key asset management participants, including:
Jack Geary has over 35 years of asset management, property management and real estate development experience in the not-for-profit and public sectors. A former public housing resident, Geary is the retired director of operations for the Cambridge (MA) Housing Authority, and is the former director of management for the San Francisco Housing Authority, director of Urban Edge Property Management (Boston), and property manager and director of senior housing at Boston Housing Authority. Since 1994, Geary has worked as a consultant and trainer for various public housing authorities and nonprofit owners of affordable housing. His educational background includes Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and a MS from the University of Massachusetts, John W. McCormack Institute for Public Management.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Registration fee: Regular: $500; MACDC Member: $250; Groups/Student/Americorps/Intern: pricing available upon request