Please join us on Thursday, October 4th at 9:30am for a panel discussion, “The Power of Volunteerism,” to hear from five inspiring local leaders in volunteer engagement as they discuss best practices for recruiting, engaging, and retaining volunteers to make a difference in their communities and organizations.
Meet our inspiring panelists!
Michelle Caruso, CAVS, Director of Volunteer Services at Beth Israel Deaconess-Plymouth
Barry Glass, Director of TELEM: Jewish Youth Making a Difference Together
Laura Mulvey, Program Manager – Community Service Center, Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice, Bridgewater State University
Peg Page, Board President, Plymouth Center for the Arts and Volunteer, United Way of Greater Plymouth County
Jennifer White, Vice President, Community and Public Relations, HarborOne Bank and President, HarborOne Foundation
Registration for this event is $10/person. Please register by September 28th by clicking here.
This panel discussion is sponsored by the Southeast Massachusetts Volunteer Council (SMVC), a partnership with the United Way of Greater Plymouth County comprised of individuals devoted to voluntarism in our local communities.
SMVC’s Three Goals:
* Promoting Voluntarism
* Connecting Volunteers with Opportunities
* Engaging and Training Volunteer Leaders
The SMVC meets bi-monthly on the 2nd Tuesday from 9am to 10am. If you are a member of a non-profit organization, business, or are a community member interested in joining the council, please contact Jean-Marie Finn, Volunteer Coordinator at Old Colony Elder Services for more information at (508) 584-1561, ext. 275, [email protected].