Topics: Twitter for communities and non-profits, strategies for using the platform and creating your brand, and how to find your niche on this platform.
Description: Every second, around 6,000 tweets are sent out in the universe from Twitter, which amounts to nearly 500 million tweets per day. How do you cut through all the noise and find your niche in a crowded internet? Twitter can be a powerful tool for your coalition to use as a platform to share your message. In this online training, we will go over the difference between broadcasting and engaging, how to build followers through engaging in Twitter Chats, and how to create engaging content that aligns with your community organization’s brand.
Audience: Community members, leaders, and coalition members trying to promote their work on Twitter.
Trainers: Kelly Danckert and Natalie Cashin, Health Resources in Action
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
1. Differentiate broadcasting a message and engaging with a target audience
2. Identify your coalition’s brand and curate messages that align with the brand
3. Identify strategies for building a following
MA DPH Coalition Criteria Addressed:
1. Effective utilization of data to inform goal and activity selection, implementation, and evaluation
2. Consistency with MA DPH’s goals and priorities
3. Participation from key stakeholders (individuals and organizations that have a vested stake or interest in a program or policy initiative, e.g. it will impact them directly)