Outcomes Measurement is a very broad term and ultimately does not have a widely shared industry standard. To fully encompass the history, vocabulary, theory and strategy surrounding Outcomes Measurement, a full three day workshop, if not an entire semester of classes would be needed.
The goal of this hands-on workshop is to share some practical tools and approaches that you can apply to your organization’s current approach to logic models, theories of change or evaluation planning.
Defining good program and organizational outcomes is an essential skill that helps organizations strategize and tell the story of how they are making a difference. It is also a skill that is linked to program monitoring, assessment and organizational learning.
While the fast-paced workshop is designed as an introduction for nonprofit staff that may be new to outcomes measurement, we also hope to challenge seasoned professionals to think about how they partner with their staff, constituents, and communities to evaluate impact in ways that are more participatory and fun.
Participants will be able to:
– Understand the relationship between outcomes measurement and logic models, theories of change, program planning, and grant writing
– Identify appropriate data sources and data collection strategies for program assessment
– Use outcome data to create performance dashboards and prepare impact reports
– Utilize a big picture approach to thinking about Outcomes Measurement
Date: March 13, 2019
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
About the Presenter:
Prentice Zinn joined GMA in 1999 and became a director in 2007. He serves as an administrator for the Conservation, Food & Health Foundation, the Dolphin Trust, the Sociological Initiatives Foundation, the A.C. Ratshesky Foundation, the Miller Foundation and the Jessie B. Cox Charitable Trust. The scope of his assignments includes start-up work with new donors, helping foundations rethink their mission and focus, and identifying high impact funding opportunities in the fields of the environment, public health, and human services. Prior to joining GMA, he was a program associate for the Boston Foundation. He was responsible for managing funds and initiatives addressing adolescent health promotion, land and wildlife preservation, and offering management assistance to small nonprofit organizations.
A Latin American studies graduate of the University of Michigan, Prentice also has Masters degrees from the University of Michigan School of Social Work and the Boston University School of Public Health. When not running, cycling or seeking the world’s best green chile enchilada, Prentice teaches classes and workshops in nonprofit management and fundraising.
Cost: $20 for partners, $40 for non partners