Topics: Overview of the history of race-based inequities and the systems that perpetuate them, tools for addressing inequities, unpacking personal biases.
Description: To understand why health inequities exist today, we need to acknowledge and examine the history and systems in place that have created and perpetuated cumulative, persistent, race-based inequities. These trainings will provide a broad historical context of current health inequities and their roots in the system of structural racism. Participants will also have an opportunity to build skills and a common language to address inequities in their communities, coalitions, and organizations using a Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change (PSE) framework. This training will also discuss how to recognize privileged identities and unpack personal biases as they relate to structural racism and other systems of oppression. Come prepared to dig deep and participate!
Audience: Public health professionals, students, coalition members and leaders.
Trainers: Mo Barbosa and Lauren Bard, Health Resources in Action
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:
MA DPH Coalition Criteria Addressed: