This is a previous offering, please click here to see the recording.
Presented by the Community Health Training Institute
Online Training (90 minutes)
Topics: Using data in grant proposals; program outcome evaluations; creating evaluation tools; data sources
This webinar will help coalitions use qualitative and quantitative data to tell their story. How can we use data and numbers to tell a compelling story about the work we do? How can we use numbers not only to share what we’ve accomplished in our programs but also show the impact that our work has made in communities? This webinar will explore ways to effectively use data to tell a story.
By participating in this webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Identify data they currently have to tell their story.
2. Describe the elements of an effective data collection strategy.
3. Name next steps they will take to effectively use their data in grants, proposals and marketing materials.
This training addresses the following MA DPH Coalition Criteria:
1.Effective utilization of data to inform goal and activity selection, implementation, and evaluation
2. Consistency with MA DPH’s goals and priorities