Please join us for the release of the latest Understanding Boston report: Getting It Right: Progress and Problems in Raising Science Achievement in Boston. With Boston’s economy buzzing with technology, health care and life sciences activity, science education must keep pace. This status report on how public school students in Boston are doing in science opens doors for conversation and innovation around ways to prepare the next generation of students for careers in STEM.
The report examines science achievement in public schools in Boston, including trends over time, comparisons with other districts, and a deeper inquiry in differences across student subgroups. At this forum, we’ll share key findings and facilitate a discussion among educators, district leaders and the business community about current efforts and future plans to boost Boston students’ achievement in science.
Welcome & Opening Remarks:
Paul S. Grogan, President & CEO, The Boston Foundation
Presentation of Report:
Luc Schuster, Director, Boston Indicators
Panel Discussion with Q&A:
Dana Brown, Principal 9-12, Dearborn STEM Academy
Travis McCready, President & CEO, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center
Melodie Knowlton, Head of Learning Lab, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Alysia Ordway, Employment Engagement Director, Boston
Private Industry Council, Moderator
Additional panelists to be announced!