Community Health Improvement Planning Process Overview
February 21 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (webinar)
Lead Trainers: Rose Swenson and Amanda Ayers (HRiA)
Description: This is an introductory webinar where teams are encouraged to attend in groups. Comprehensive community health assessment and health improvement planning processes are now necessitated by accreditation and IRS mandates for interested public health departments and non-profit hospitals. This webinar will provide an overview of these processes; touching upon the components of a guiding framework, multi-sector stakeholder engagement, an evidence-based process, key tools and resources, and success metrics. We will discuss the importance of data-driven efforts that engage a range of stakeholders and partners throughout the process. This webinar will explore how health departments, hospitals, health centers, community-based organizations, community leaders, and other key stakeholders can effectively identify and respond to pressing public health concerns and build on existing community assets to achieve sustainable population health impact.
Effectively Implementing a Community Health Improvement Plan*
March 9 10:00 am – 1:00 pm (in-person training) (CANCELLED)
April 27 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (in-person training)
Lead Trainers: Ben Wood (DPH), Rose Swenson (HRiA), Amanda Ayers (HRiA), Barry Keppard (MAPC)
Description: This training further explores the concepts introduced in the introductory webinar. This training will highlight resources and guidelines provided by MA DPH. Through interactive discussions, participants will also have the opportunity to discuss CHIP Implementation challenges and solutions. Attendees will be encouraged to share questions and scenarios from their work for discussion. Participants will explore topics such as: What are effective implementation approaches? What amount of time, expertise, and other resources does CHIP Implementation process? How does an organization complete the process effectively and in a fiscally sound manner? How can an organization manage politics and competing agendas among partners? Teams will create an action plan detailing next steps.
NOTE: In order to attend this training, we are requiring participants to attend the webinar first
Addressing Challenges and Barriers to Implementing a CHIP
May 3 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (webinar)
Lead Trainers: Rose Swenson and Amanda Ayers (HRiA)
Description: This webinar will build on the introductory webinar and in-person training by addressing common barriers and challenges that arise when implementing Community Health Improvement Planning processes. Case studies will be used to demonstrate practical application of concepts. Participants will have an opportunity to share common challenges in order to receive tips and strategies to address those barriers.