Building Brave Spaces Across Difference (2023)
Topics: Building tools to be allies/accomplices to historically marginalized communities, examining unconscious biases and building
Topics: Building tools to be allies/accomplices to historically marginalized communities, examining unconscious biases and building
Topics: An analysis of power in relationships and communities and how to leverage that power
Topics: Valuing lived experience to drive organizational policy, managing up to achieve equity in the
Topics: Overview of the history of race-based inequities and the systems that perpetuate them, tools
Topics: Overview of the history of race-based inequities and the systems that perpetuate them, tools
Topics: Public health policy for coalitions and individuals, best practices for engaging in the legislative
Topics: Strategies for facilitating engaging and effective meetings, and how to address challenging facilitation scenarios
Topics: Identifying and engaging key stakeholders, strategies for getting community members and other stakeholders invested
Topics: Making an agenda with clear goals, incorporating activities to engage different learning styles, and
Topics: Overview of the Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) change framework and how to incorporate
Topics: How power dynamics influence relationships in public health work, building and leveraging power in
Topics: Understanding how to advance your organizational goals through a well-planned communication strategy that defines